
I have received blessings from Christ since I was a child. I remember singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and my parents reading to me from "Illustrated Stories of the Bible" when I was six years old. I have a deep, emotional and devotional connection to Christ. I prayed fervently for a living master, a living Christ, and then I met two living Buddhas, Adi Da and Rama. They took me into an entirely different dimension of practice, devotion and meditation. This is a place to honor the masters and blessings.
Bodhicitta Dedication:
May this blog be an inspiration for me to bring love and compassion and equanimity to all sentient beings I have the good fortune to meet.
May all beings have happiness
and the true cause of happiness;
May all beings be free from suffering
and the true cause of suffering;
May all beings never be parted from the happiness that
is without suffering, the great joy of nirvana, liberation;
May all beings abide in peace and equanimity,
their minds free from attachment and aversion, and free from indifference.