As my devotee you no longer have the right to your “bad days or your “phases". They will inevitably occur as part of the process of ego transcending practice in my divine avatar company but I do not want to see a sign of it on your faces or in your outward lives. I do not want to see any drama. I have not come so you can persist in ignorance and mediocrity, showing me no life, no energy, no intelligence ,no attention. Such tendencies are with you but so what? So you will have to do a little practice! Difficulty required of one who lives a life of devotional communion to me is nothing compared to the practice that the seeker must perform! I expect you to accept this responsibility and deliver devotional relationship to me and always be happy. Some circumstance within or without is temporarily giving you apparent trouble. I expect you to be happy and to live the devotional relationship to me with great energy, and never to turn away from me. If you do all of that is required of you with great energy, you will see a transformation of the culture of my devotees that will amaze you. And I expect that transformation not to stop, but to increase. Do not ever again allow your energy to decrease. I have seen everyone of you rise and fall. Such phasing is mere self indulgence. Know that I expect you to be alive, to be intensely available to me, and never to be mediocre. You may feel like being mediocre, and that is fine, but I expect you never to be mediocre. There will be days when it is going to be incredibly difficult for you to be anything more than mediocre, and that is good. In fact those are the days when you should be more intense, more functional than at any other time.
