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Green Tara Mantra 📿
Om Tara Tuttare Ture Soha When we chant the Green Tara mantra, we are not simply asking for Tara’s blessing and help with our lives and...

The Dalai Lama's Cat 😻
This was a fun, delightful and inspiring book. Some quotes that were especially inspiring for me: Practicing bodhicitta with a cat (from...

Vajra Dakini 🗡
Vajra Dakini cuts through the knots of karma. She shines a light on the people and circumstances that are draining and harmful. A good...

Drop the storyline 🙊
When shenpa arises, drop the storyline, stop the thoughts, and breathe. Fear is my habit, reinforced over decades. It is nothing but a...

Rigpa 💫
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying is a modern classic with an approachable, inspiring glimpse into the meaning and practices of the...

Padmasambhava ⚡️
Solstice is the perfect day to contemplate Padmasambhava, Guru Rinpoche, the Lotus Born teacher. Rama spoke of Padmasambhava as a fierce...

Shenpa 💃
Shenpa is the Tibetan word for attachment. Shenpa is thinking and reacting from the momentum of bad habits. The practice is to recognize...

Gelong Thubten ☀️
A video from Reza to his gurubais. The Power Of Conscious Awareness | Gelong Thubten

Rainbow Body 🌈
Modern Proof of the Rainbow Body Jamyang Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö, Sogyal Rinpoche's master, and Yogananda. The death of Rangjung Dorje, the...

Silence Meditation 🤫
Consciously relax the body from the head, neck, shoulders, arms, back, fingers, hips, legs, feet, toes. 5 breaths 5 second inhale, 7...
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