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Bad Days and Ego Transcending 💪
As my devotee you no longer have the right to your “bad days or your “phases". They will inevitably occur as part of the process of ego...

Devotional Communion 🙏📿
Devotional communion with me is simply loving attachment to me. When you become attached to me, then all your conventional relationships...

Creative Opportunities 🎨
“There is something you must understand about the circumstances of existence. Everything that occurs in your life is a form of test that...

Become a Participant in the Real World 🌎
Fundamental experience is not the experience of "things". Fundamental experience is the experience of Being itself, of Consciousness...

Consciousness Itself 💫
No matter what arises, or does not arise, You are only Consciousness Itself. No matter what arises, or does not arise, It is only...

You Presume You Are the Body 🤫
Your problems and your questions only arise because you forget Consciousness. You presume you are the body - but in reality, you are only...

Danavera Mela 🎄
Danavira Mela means literally "the Celebration (Mela) of the Hero (Vira) of Giving (Da)". Gift-giving is delightful, but your giving of...

Adi Da Mahasamadhi 🌈
Nov 27, 2008 "My influence remains with those whose connection is with me, even those who are now on this earth and who do not know Bubba...

It is All About Everyone and Everything 👐
This Body is simply a Vehicle of a Unique and Universal Event of Conjunctions and Noticings. That Event Occurs Spontaneously, and It is...

Exist at infinity ∞
Fear of death is fear of surrender to Infinity. Learn to surrender, to exist at Infinity while alive, and fear of death dissolves. Fear...

The Brightness 🌟
When I sat with Adi Da in formal darshan He moved me beyond my ego into a timeless, charged place that was saturated with the resonance...
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