This was a fun, delightful and inspiring book. Some quotes that were especially inspiring for me:
Practicing bodhicitta with a cat (from the opening dedication):
In loving memory of our own little Rinpoche,
Princess Wussik of the Sapphire Throne.
She brought us joy; we loved her well.
May this book be a direct cause for her,
and all living beings, to quickly and easily
attain complete enlightenment.
May all beings have happiness
and the true cause of happiness;
May all beings be free from suffering
and the true cause of suffering;
May all beings never be parted from the happiness that
is without suffering, the great joy of nirvana, liberation;
May all beings abide in peace and equanimity,
their minds free from attachment and aversion, and free from indifference.
Practicing gratitude:
Before we eat any meal, vegetarian or meat, we should always remember the beings that have died so that we can eat. Think of them with gratitude and pray that their sacrifice will be a cause for them to be reborn into a higher realm - and for you to be healthy so that you can quickly reach full enlightenment in order to lead them to that same state.
Practicing compassion:
In the dharma there is no place for guilt. Guilt is useless. It is pointless to feel bad about something in the past that we can't change. But regret? Yes. This is something more useful. Do you feel sincere regret for what you did? Yes! (said the boys who sold the cat). When you practice compassion in meditation, think about those small kittens and the countless other weak and vulnerable beings who need your protection and love.
Practicing bodhicitta with all of our our experiences:
I am pleased to announce the opening of this marvelous new bookshop. May its existence be a cause for all living begins to have happiness and to avoid suffering.
