Self Realization Fellowship is a worldwide sangha. I have been to small and large gatherings in Maui, Berkeley, Pacific Palisades and Encinitas. 8 hours Christmas meditation at Encinitas transformed and uplifted me. Yogananda's blessings and the blessings of the Masters, of Christ. The community deepens and inspires my practice. The chants are mantras that resonate in my mind all day.
So do Thou my Lord: Thou and I, never apart Wave of the sea, dissolve in the sea! I am the bubble, make me the sea, Make me the sea, oh, make me the sea! Wave of the sea, dissolve in the sea! I am the bubble, make me the sea.
The teachings of Self-Realization Fellowship (Yogoda Satsanga Society of India) are founded upon the original Christianity of Jesus Christ and the original Yoga of Bhagavan Krishna. The spiritual lineage of SRF/YSS consists of these two great avatars and a line of exalted masters of contemporary times: Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, and Paramahansa Yogananda (last in the line of SRF/YSS Gurus).
